Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Yep, first day on snow today. 

As seems to be our tradition when it is thin and grabby, we did some shuffling around for some distance and then met up for some double pole sprints.  It still felt damn good to put the long boards on again.

And while I'm at it, I'll throw up a few older photos too from the past week.  Got some of the prep crew in there too.

Great classic speed session last Wednesday.

DP test on Thursday was mostly good.  Lots of PRs.

Prep crew running part of White Bear on Saturday (OK, technically this photo is on White Cub)

Sway drill - practicing getting low and moving laterally from a low position - good for skating!

One foot agility drills!

This is basically what I do at the office all day every day.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More recent photos

It's been a busy couple of weeks here, but more on the desk side of things than outside with training.  Or at least, I haven't been very good at snapping pictures.

In any case, we snapped some dramatic photos yesterday during our Ester Dome TT, so I figured I'd pop those up.

First some oldies:

Double pole intervals a couple weeks back

Chris nabbing some footage from the bike

We did our N. Tanana interval set again last week and saw some interesting improvements

Yesterday was the Ester Dome Time Trial.  3 miles and about 1000 foot elevation gain

We finished in the snow at the top.

Snow in October?!?

Old Pictures

These are from a weekly update at the end of September that never happened.  Enjoy!